The COVID-19 pandemic showed how coordination of global research, through cooperation, and sharing of data and expertise, is crucial for efficient and effective preparedness against emerging infectious diseases, and vital for a rapid response. Nevertheless, there are still major challenges limiting global cooperation among high containment laboratories (HCLs). HCLs are critical infrastructures for the development of medical countermeasures (e.g. vaccines and therapeutics) against high consequence pathogens.
In order to fulfil its role, and given the global threat of emerging infectious diseases, the European Research Infrastructure on Highly pathogenic Agents (ERINHA), together with its partners, proposes to establish and reinforce interactions with HCLs research infrastructures (RIs) worldwide, to strengthen pandemic preparedness and response capacities.

INTERCEPTOR (INTERnational Cooperation of high containment research infrastructures: from Epidemic Preparedness TO Response), a consortium with key HCLs from Europe and across the world, will focus on access provision to HCLs, enhancement of the human capital of HCLs, including in biorisk management, critical resources sharing, harmonisation and interoperability. The proposed actions will help ensure broader access to state-of-the-art high containment facilities, while respecting the necessary biosecurity and biosafety constraints, and promote the establishment of a sustainable global network of high containment research infrastructures.
The project is organized into the following Work Packages (WP):
WP1 (Lead: Theophile TURBOUST, ERINHA): Management and Communication. This WP, led by the coordinator ERINHA, aims to ensure effective and efficient coordination and management of the project, as well as proper internal and external communication and dissemination.
WP2 (Lead: Jacqueline WEYER, NICD): Reinforcing high and maximum containment bio-risk management resources. The aim of this WP is to strengthen HCLs’ bio-risk management through sharing of knowledge and skills, and working towards harmonisation and standardisation of related policies and processes. This will support increased interoperability between research infrastructures and support easier exchanges of scientists and HCL staff between laboratories as a result of harmonised policies and processes
WP3 (Lead: Kurt ZATLOUKAL, MUG): Strengthening international high containment RI capacity for pandemic preparedness research. Basic knowledge about the availability of critical resources in HCLs is currently lacking. Enhancing collaboration and filling these gaps would facilitate exchanges and capacity building in the event of future pandemics and/or biological disasters. In addition, it would improve the support provided to users by ensuring that the HC service offer can be modulated/expanded through facilitated exchange of these critical resources between HCLs.
WP4 (Lead: Ali MIRAZIMI, FOHM): Access provision to support European and international users. The objectives of this work package consist of: (i) Understanding the currently available service offer, and access mechanisms, at the international HCLs within the INTERCEPTOR consortium, (ii) Explore a common catalogue of services and joint service provision, (iii) Survey the service offer and service provision mechanisms of international HCLs outside INTERCEPTOR for potential inclusion in a future global HCL network, and (iv) Explore the establishment of joint access mechanisms between ERINHA and other HC RIs of the consortium.
WP5 (Lead: Diana STEPANYAN, ERINHA): Paving the way for a global network of HCLs. INTERCEPTOR, as a first formalized action proposing coordinated service provision across European and international HC RIs, aims at effective transcontinental cooperation, bringing a real-added value to scientific communities, HCL operators, and policy-making and funding bodies. The sustainability and further extension of the INTERCEPTOR network is the main objective of this WP.

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B-1050 Bruxelles